
Q3 2024: Token Launch and Foundation

  • Infinect Token Launch:

    • Launch the Infinect token, enabling transactions and incentivizing participation.

    • Conduct initial token offering and establish market presence.

  • Foundation Building:

    • Promote awareness and education about token utility.

    • Build partnerships with early adopters and key industry players.

Q4 2024: Infrastructure and Integration

  • Infrastructure Development:

    • Enhance blockchain infrastructure to support token integration.

    • Deploy secure smart contracts for token management.

  • Platform Integration:

    • Integrate tokens into Infinect services for transactions and rewards.

    • Develop APIs for partners to utilize tokens in their ecosystems.

Q1 2025: Community Engagement and Growth

  • Community Programs:

    • Launch token-based community incentive programs.

    • Organize hackathons and competitions to encourage ecosystem development.

  • Market Expansion:

    • Explore new partnerships and collaborations to expand market reach.

    • Increase token adoption through promotional campaigns.

Q2 2025: Feature Expansion and Testing

  • Feature Enhancement:

    • Introduce advanced token functionalities (e.g., staking, governance).

    • Launch beta testing for new token-related features.

  • Rigorous Testing:

    • Conduct comprehensive testing for security and scalability.

    • Gather user feedback and refine based on insights.

Q3 2025: Optimization and Innovation

  • Performance Optimization:

    • Optimize token transaction efficiency and network performance.

    • Enhance user experience with improved interfaces and tools.

  • Innovative Initiatives:

    • Explore new use cases and applications for the Infinect token.

    • Collaborate with partners to develop innovative solutions.

Q4 2025: Strategic Remap and Sustainability

  • Strategic Remap:

    • Assess achievements and challenges from the roadmap cycle.

    • Realign strategic goals based on market trends and user feedback.

  • Sustainability Focus:

    • Develop sustainable practices for long-term growth.

    • Strengthen community governance and participation in decision-making.

Last updated