
Architecture of Infinect Storage

1. Decentralized Node Network:

  • Components: Multiple storage nodes distributed globally.

  • Function: Store encrypted data chunks to provide redundancy and fault tolerance.

2. Data Encryption Layer:

  • Components: Encryption modules and secure access protocols.

  • Function: Encrypts data before distribution to ensure privacy and security.

3. Data Distribution Layer:

  • Components: Data fragmentation and replication systems.

  • Function: Splits data into fragments, replicates them, and distributes across nodes.

4. Retrieval and Access Layer:

  • Components: Decentralized retrieval protocols and access gateways.

  • Function: Efficiently locates and retrieves data chunks from nodes, ensuring quick access.

5. Smart Contract Layer:

  • Components: Blockchain-based smart contracts.

  • Function: Manages storage agreements and automates transactions between users and nodes.

6. Incentive and Governance Layer:

  • Components: Token reward systems and governance frameworks.

  • Function: Incentivizes node participation and ensures network sustainability through decentralized governance.

Last updated